Product Shipment

Type A Packaging
Product Shipment IRM Dijital Mart 21, 2022
Product Shipment
Excepted Packaging and Type A packaging are used

The regulations of the US Department of Transportation (DOT) per 49 CFR
and the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) apply to
packaging and delivery of radioactive materials of ERS product range.
Excepted Packaging and Type A packaging are used for ERS product
Excepted Packaging “Limited Quantity” is used when the activity limits do
not exceed defined in IATA regulations and the radiation level at any point
on the package does not exceed allowed limits.
Type A packaging is used to carry normal form radioactive material as
defined by 49 CFR and IATA.
ANSI N43.6 : 2007 and ISO 2919 : 2012 sealed radioactive sources
radiological protection tests are performed on Type A and Excepted
ISO 9978 : 1992 sealed radioactive sources leakage tests are applied on ERS
sealed sources.

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